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Kids Yoga: Learning to Count with Alice Lucas

Alice Lucas • 19m

Up Next in Alice Lucas

  • Kids Yoga: Learning to Listen with Al...

    This kids yoga video focuses on Phonemic Awareness. If you have a young one at home learning to read or looking becoming a better learner - this video will emphasize learning how to hear + move around the different sounds and words.

  • 30 Minute Hips and Twists with Alice

    In this Slow Burn Alice builds up to the yin pose "cat pulling tail" to open the hips in a multidimensional twist. On the way, you will go through Sun Salutation variations with twists and quad openers to prepare the body. You'll need two blocks and a strap.

  • Pose Breakdown: Wrist Mobility with A...

    Take 10 minutes a day to begin and/or strength your handstand practice. On Day 7 of this 7-day yoga challenge, Alice guides you through techniques for improving wrist mobility and strength as you prepare for handstand. This class is also useful for anyone experiencing wrist discomfort in their yo...