Hips + Glutes
Collection offers a mix of class types + lengths with a focus on a certain area of the body, often building to certain poses of the practice.
30 Minute Restorative Yoga with Cindy
This class is all about surrender. You will practice long holds in several heart opening postures. Using props, these postures will open up tight, tense areas leaving you feeling restored.
Props Needed: 2 blocks, a blanket and a bolster
Recommended Playlist: Click Here
Blend: Hips with Cindy
Two flowing sequences followed by a sequence of longer holding poses. This class will focus on hip openers.
Props Needed: 2 blocks
Recommended Playlist: Click Here
24 Minute Hip + Hamstring Opening with Linda
Linda Kay leads you through a grounded series. Doing this daily will leave you with a greater mobility in your hamstrings and hips.