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Blend: Backbends on the Wall with Kacee

Blend • 29m

Up Next in Blend

  • Ashtanga: Short Short Form with Kacee

    Kacee will lead a shortened Ashtanga series rooted in tradition. Move through sun as, a strong standing series, and progress to forward bends, core work, inversions + hip opening.

  • Blend: Reframing What We Take Persona...

    These blend classes are recorded from our Citizen [live] schedule. This class dives into what it looks like to re-frame yourself and your practice from the personal to the spiritual sense.

    Props: 2 blocks, a strap and a blanket

  • Blend: Center of Self with Kacee

    Tune out to the world, tune into your senses and pull them in.

    Props Needed: 2 blocks, a strap and a blanket.