Blend: Dissolving Rigidity with Kacee
60 minutes
Kacee opens the heart and strengthens the core in this well-rounded flow. You'll need a block, strap, and perhaps a chair.
Up Next in 60 minutes
Vinyasa to Baby Bakasana
A challenging class focused on building towards crow & baby crow pose. The pace of class is similar to a vinyasa, though there will not be as much flowing on your own during certain sections of class. The class has steps to building towards each pivotal moment, so do not be discouraged if you can...
YinYasa: Managing your Energy with Kacee
The first half of class will challenge your mind focus as you activate your hips and legs. Kacee will encourage you to transform any anger and frustration as the second half of class speeds up into deeper poses and creative sequences.
Blend: Working the Pericardium Line w...
The Pericardium Line, in Chinese Medicine starts at the tip of the middle finger, runs up the inner line of the arm up and ends at the chest. Class will focus on the shoulders, wrists and yes, even your pinky fingers!
Props Needed: 2 blocks + a strap