Kacee Must

Kacee Must

After struggling with her own mental health, coupled with the loss of her sister who took her own life, Citizen founder Kacee Must began a search for meaning. Seeking answers and purpose, Kacee packed up and went to India to spend 3 years living at a formal academy studying Vedanta philosophy. A lifelong practitioner of Yoga, it wasn’t until the academy needed someone to lead the daily 30-minute Yoga session that Kacee stepped into the role of the teacher, and discovered she was born to teach. Upon returning to Detroit, Kacee started Citizen Yoga in 2013 with a mission to improve mental health and prevent suicide, offering yoga as a tool for handling the stresses of life, as inspired by her sister, Miya.

Citizen is grounded in tradition, and is focused on alignment of body, mind and intellect. Always a student, Kacee embraces all schools of yoga, building upon her deep Vedanta foundation finding truth in different traditions, methodologies, and lenses such as Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Kacee brings to Citizen, and her teaching, the unique gift of helping you redirect your mind to gain insight through asana.

Connect with Kacee!

- Follow Kacee on Instagram @iamcitizenyoga
- Listen to her playlists on Spotify
- Take an in-studio or online live class with Kacee, her schedule can be found here
- Check out her Podcast After Class
- Learn more about Citizen Yoga's Mission

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Kacee Must
  • Vinyasa to Baby Bakasana

    A challenging class focused on building towards crow & baby crow pose. The pace of class is similar to a vinyasa, though there will not be as much flowing on your own during certain sections of class. The class has steps to building towards each pivotal moment, so do not be discouraged if you can...

  • Yinyasa for Back Body Strength + Length

    Explore backbends, back body, and handstands in this in-studio Yinyasa with Kacee Must. Learn new techniques to find engagement through the legs and rooting of the sacrum.

    Class Type: Yinyasa
    Suggested Props: 2 blocks, 2 yoga blankets, a yoga strap
    Physical focus: Back body

  • Katonah Yoga® for Persistence

    Practice your persistence in this live studio class with Kacee Must. Work through a series of down dogs, pigeons, and backbends to let time in a pose become it's edge.

    Class Format: Katonah Yoga®
    Suggested Props: 1-2 yoga blankets, yoga blocks, yoga chair
    Physical Focus: Hips + Pelvis
    Mental Fo...

  • Yinyasa to Build Ujjayi

    Learn the foundations of ujjayi pranayama and build a solid frame for your lungs in this shoulders-focused yinyasa practice. And ideal pace of class to practice first thing in the morning.

    Class type: Yinyasa
    Suggested props: Yoga strap, two yoga blocks, yoga blanket
    Physical focus: Shoulders

  • Katonah Yoga® for Shoulders

    Grab a pole or a strap for this 45 minute, shoulder focused Katonah Yoga® practice with Kacee Must.

    Suggested props: 2 blocks, 2 blankets, a yoga strap or a yoga pole
    Mental focus: Clarity in the lungs
    Physical focus: Shoulders, wrists, lungs, collarbones

  • Katonah Yoga®: Re-Pattern Yourself

    Join Kacee for this pre-recorded, in-studio class from February 20, 2024. Move away from personal pattern and opinion, and learn new patterns to open yourself to greater insight.

    Class format: Katonah Yoga®
    Suggested Props: three blocks, a yoga blanket, a yoga strap, wall (or a friend!)
    Mental f...

  • Blend with Kacee: Progressing Towards Hanumanasana

    Build to full splits in this prerecorded, in-studio Blend class with Kacee from January 22, 2024.

    Class Format: Blend
    Suggested Props: 2 blocks,1 strap
    Physical Focus: Hamstrings and quadriceps
    Mental Focus: Weaving the fabric of our core values

  • 30 Minute Lower Body Practice with Kacee

    Grab a pair of socks and find stability and space in your lower half in this 30 minute practice. Safe for pregnancy and impactful for all, this half hour class will help you find the depth of your first floor.

    Class format: Slow burn
    Suggested props: yoga blanket, yoga blocks, socks (wood floor ...

  • Yinyasa for Hands, Wrists and Shoulders

    Prioritize the hands, wrists, and shoulders to get a handle on the world in this 60-minute recorded live class with Kacee Must.

    Class format: Yinyasa
    Suggested props: yoga strap, two yoga blocks, yoga blanket
    Physical focus: hands, wrists, shoulders

  • Katonah Yoga®: Understanding Fit + Function

    In this Katonah Yoga® class, Kacee Must leads you through a series of folds + fits designed to optimize how the organ systems function in relationship to each other.

    Suggested props: wall, yoga blanket, two yoga blocks
    Physical focus: folds + joint stability
    Mental focus: creating relationship...

  • Katonah Yoga®: Integrating the Three Floors for Pigeon II

    Lunge strong and access the hips + quads in this dynamic in-studio Katonah Yoga® class from December 19, 2023. Options for wall or partner work, a great practice for getting into your being.

    Class format: Slow burn
    Physical focus: hips + quads, backbends
    Mental focus: stability

  • Pre-Recorded In-Studio Vinyasa with Kacee Must

    In this in studio vinyasa, Kacee leads you through a stabilizing practice exploring the relationship between forgiveness and gratitude.

    Class format: Vinyasa
    Physical focus: lower body stability, backbends
    Mental focus: Forgiveness

  • Pre-Recorded In-Studio Slow Burn with Kacee Must

    Join Kacee Must for a special Thanksgiving Day Slow Burn from November 23, 2023.

    Class format: Slow Burn
    Physical focus: Hamstrings + twists
    Mental focus: Appreciation

  • Katonah Yoga®: The Magic Square + Mapping Personal Transformation

    Explore the magic square and other maps for personal transformation to see what you're not paying attention to in this pre-recorded Katonah Yoga® class

    Suggested props: two blocks
    Physical focus: Shoulder integration
    Mental focus: Seeing the unseen

  • Pre-Recorded In-Studio Blend with Kacee Must

    In this live in-studio class, Kacee offers the opportnuity to prioritize the building and maintenance of ujjayi pranayama through the added pressure of asana practice. Grab a partner or a wall to get the full experience.

    Class format: Blend
    Suggested props: blanket, blocks, strap, wall (or partn...

  • Pre-Recorded In-Studio Yinyasa with Kacee Must

    Feel the full studio energy of a Friday morning yinyasa with Kacee. Class begins with 30 minutes of grounded yin poses (focused on being) and quickly shifts into a more active practice (moving into doing).

    Class type: Yinyasa
    Suggested props: 2-3 blocks, a strap, and a blanket
    Mental focus: Bei...

  • Create a Fit to Create a Relationship with Katonah Yoga®

    Explore using the idea of creating a fit to explore developing relationships in this 60-minute Katonah Yoga® class.

    Class format: Slow Burn
    Suggested props: two blocks, a yoga strap, two yoga blankets
    Physical focus: Fit
    Mental focus: Developing relationships

  • Katonah Yoga® for Form, Fit, and Function

    Focus on form, fit, and function of the body and mind In this 45-minute Katonah Yoga® class.

    Class format: Slow Burn
    Suggested props: two blocks, a yoga strap, a yoga blanket
    Physical focus: Folding + unfolding
    Mental focus: Form + function

  • Quickie Vinyasa with Kacee

    Play with continuous vinyasa flow for back body strength in this Quickie Vinyasa with Kacee. A perfect practice for when you're short on time but need to move, or repeat the series multiple times for a longer class.

    Suggested props: yoga strap
    Physical focus: back body + back bending

  • Katonah Yoga® Theory, Pranayama, and Asana

    Join Kacee for a discussion on the conditions of a spiritual practice, ten full minutes of pranayama, and a grounded physical practice.

    Short on time? Watch the first 15-minutes for theory + pranayama only.

    Suggested props: two blocks, a strap, and a blanket
    Mental focus: Integrating the three...

  • 15 Minute Quick Heat with Kacee

    Kacee leads a heat building + educational flow that will revolutionize your downward facing dog pose. You'll move through a range of shapes to get warm quickly, learn about the hip crease, and feel the benefits of a complete practice.

    Suggested props: blanket, one block
    Physical focus: downward ...

  • Pre-Recorded In-Studio Vinyasa to Headstand

    In this live, in-studio class from September 5, 2023, Kacee leads you through a vinyasa practice building to sirsasana.

    Class type: Vinyasa
    Suggested props: 2 yoga blocks, 1 strap, 1 blanket
    Physical focus: Peak pose - headstand

  • Conversing Between the Body and Mind with Katonah Yoga®

    Join Kacee for a pre-recorded in-studio Katonah Yoga® class to help create a conversation between your body and mind.

    Suggested props: blanket, yoga blocks, yoga strap
    Class format: Slow Burn
    Physical focus: side bodies, twists

  • Pre-Recorded In Studio Yinyasa with Kacee: Earth Element

    In this live studio class, Kacee guides you through a practice designed to move + ground energy by embracing the element.

    Suggested props: two yoga blocks, yoga strap, yoga blanket or bolster
    Physical focus: quadriceps + outer line of leg
    Mental focus: grounding