Blend: Drawing Inward
Criss-Cross Applesauce. Lots of Twisting, hamstring opening and crossing the center line of the body in this blend class. Expect to get deep into your IT bands and hips with gomukasana, cow faced pose.
Up Next in Blend
Blend: Embodying the Lotus with Kacee
Dig into your hips. This class will offer many modifications and opportunities to step into the intensity of a hip stretch. Class is prepping you for lotus pose while in headstand, sirsasana 1.
Props Needed: strap
Blend: Revolved Bow Pose with Kacee
Experience your edge in this class that moves you towards revolved bow pose. This class will test your balance, core and create space for belly down backbends.
Props Needed: 2 blocks, a strap and a bolster.
Blend: The Crown Chakra
Class will focus on Sahasrara, the crown chakra, the Thousand Petal Lotus. This chakra is about higher vision and sight, where you are trying to see something that's really profound for who you are.
Props Needed: 1 block